Our 1,000th student!

By God's grace we have trained 1,000 who will train 1,000's more!

Jim Law, the Board, and I invite you to celebrate with us the huge milestone of 1,000 Advance International graduates from 11 countries! One of our schools in a country that we cannot divulge graduated the students last week that brought our total to 1,000 graduates. What a great time for us to pause, rejoice and give thanks!

We first want to thank the Lord for how He has guided, blessed, protected, and multiplied this ministry through the years. There is no doubt that we wouldn’t be here, if it weren't for Him! But we also want to acknowledge that He gave us people and organizations to help make it possible. For those who have partnered with us in any way we thank you for being His servants who have blessed this ministry in the past so that we could take His Kingdom training to the remote parts of the world.

There is no way to know how much the Kingdom of God will be expanded through these 1,000 future generation leaders. God uses the power of multiplication. When we train a disciple maker, then they train others who train others. You get it. This work will never stop, but always be multiplying. Only the Lord knows what will be the final results of these students’ ministries.

Although we have schools now in Dominican Republic, East Asia, Honduras, India, Japan, Kenya, Namibia, Nicaragua, Taiwan, and Thailand, there are many more thousands that need to hear the gospel in these countries as well as others. That means there are thousands more who need to be trained to be disciple makers. Our work has just begun! We look forward to all the Lord has planned for us in the future and invite you to continue to join us in this journey to produce more world changers!

If you haven’t already seen it, we produced a video that tells about our work. You can find it under the site page “Our Story” or you can view it at https://vimeo.com/doxologystudios/advanceinternational. We pray that it blesses you as well as others who you might want to tell about Advance International.

Providing  Theological

Training to the Nations

Advance International is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization that provides the funds to underwrite accessible, practical, theological education of the highest quality possible to international leaders in remote parts of the world.  Through our partnership with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention and Leavell College at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary our students can complete 8 courses in two years and receive a Biblical Ministries Certificate.